Rocky Mountain Power Wants In On The Bear River Water Grab

Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) recently announced they are getting into the business of Bear River Development. RMP’s federal license to operate the Cutler Reservoir hydropower project expires in 2024 and must be relicensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), a process that only happens every 25 years. As part of this process, RMP is proposing to raise Cutler Dam several feet, which may inundate valuable wetlands and trap more Bear River water behind the dam. When the URC asked RMP for more details about the proposal, they said they had no information available for the public.

Diverting the Bear River upstream of the Great Salt Lake would lower the Lake’s elevation several feet. This would dry up tens of thousands of acres of wetlands and impact air quality along the Wasatch Front by increasing the amount of airborne dust during windstorms.

RMP is holding an informational meeting about their proposal to raise Cutler Dam next week. We need to show up and let the company know that we are watching. Click on the link here, or calendar the details below and be sure to come show your support for protecting the Bear River!

May 9th at 5:00 PM Riverwoods Conference Center in Logan, UT (615 Riverwoods Parkway)

We look forward to seeing you there, so we can stand up for the beautiful Bear River and Great Salt Lake ecosystem together!

The Utah Rivers Council is leading the opposition to the proposed Bear River Water Grab and we could really use your help. Your financial contribution makes a big impact toward our ability to save the West’s largest wetland ecosystem—the Great Salt Lake—from being dried up by this unnecessary water diversion. Invest in the future of Utah’s water sustainability today with your gift of support by clicking here.