Will the Proposed Lake Powell Pipeline Financially Benefit Rep. Mike Noel?
On Friday, the Utah Rivers Council filed a complaint with the Attorney General requesting a formal investigation of Rep. Mike Noel, to determine if he used government resources to benefit his own private land holdings from the Lake Powell Pipeline.
The concern is that Mr. Noel may have used his position as both a legislator and the Executive Director of the Kane County Water District to advance the proposed Lake Powell Pipeline, which may deliver water to his land holdings in Kane County, estimated to be valued between $4-9 million.
Map showing Rep. Mike Noel's land holdings in the Johnson Canyon area near the terminus of the proposed Lake Powell Pipeline in Kane County. The Johnson Canyon service area outlined in red may be the only area that will receive water from the Pipeline. (Boundaries are approximate)
As shown in the map above, the only community in all of Kane County likely to receive water from the proposed $2-3 billion Lake Powell Pipeline is the Johnson Canyon service area. This is the area where Mr. Noel owns ~750 acres of land through CSM Agriculture and two other entities.
If Pipeline water is delivered to his land, paid for by Utah taxpayers, Mr. Noel could see a significant increase in the value of his land holdings. Additionally, as an unregistered lobbyist for both the Water District and his own land and real estate development companies, Mr. Noel worked to pass several pieces of legislation without following lobbyist guidelines and without fully disclosing his personal interests. The people of Utah deserve to know if this state official is using his position for his own personal benefit.
To learn more, check out Brian Maffly's article in the The Salt Lake Tribune about our complaint.
The URC has launched a petition asking the Attorney General to investigate Mr. Noel. Please sign the petition to demonstrate your support for holding public officials accountable for their actions.
Take action today and sign the petition to investigate Rep. Mike Noel!
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